Learn Data Structure
A data structure is a format to store and organize data in computer systems for efficient and quick access to data. Besides storing and organizing, a data structure helps to manipulate and process data.
Every programmer should have a solid understanding of data structures. While developing any application, choosing a proper data structure is essential. This tutorial walks you through types of data structures. You will get familiar with different algorithms and their implementation in C, C++, Java, and Python.
Data Structure Searching Techniques -> Linear Search in Python and C++
Data Structure Searching Techniques -> Binary Search in C
Data Structure Searching Techniques -> Data Structure & Algorithm: Interpolation Search
Data Structure Searching Techniques -> Data Structure & Algorithms: Hashing, Hash Table, and Hash Function
Data Structure Sorting -> What is Sorting
Data Structure Sorting -> Bubble Sort
Data Structure Sorting -> Insertion Sort [Algorithm & Program]
Data Structure Sorting -> Selection Sort in C, C++, and Python with Examples
Data Structure Sorting -> Merge Sort
Data Structure Sorting -> What is Shell Sort?
Data Structure Sorting -> Quick Sort in C, C++, Java, and Python [Program and Algorithm]
Data Structure Sorting -> Counting Sort
Data Structure Sorting -> Radix Sort - Sorting Algorithm
Data Structure Tree -> Tree Data Structure & Algorithm
Data Structure Tree -> Tree Traversal
Data Structure Tree -> DSA Binary Search Tree
Data Structure Tree -> AVL Tree: Balancing Factor, Complexity, and Rotation
Data Structure Tree -> DSA: Graph- Spanning Tree
Data Structure Tree -> DSA: Binary Heap Tree