Mountain Array

Mountain Array

Problem Given an array of integers, check if it is a mountain array or not. An array is called a…

What is Pseudocode? Pseudocode Examples

What is Pseudocode? Pseudocode Examples

If you are new to programming and starting your journey by learning a new programming language. You…

Count triplets which form an inversion in an array

Count triplets which form an inversion in an array

Problem Given an array, you need to count all inversion triplets. Inversion triplets are such th…

Introduction to Star Schema in Data Warehouse Modeling

Introduction to Star Schema in Data Warehouse Modeling

A data warehouse (DW), also known as a computing data warehouse, is a type of data management syste…

Nth root of M

Nth root of M

Problem Given two integers m and n, find the value of n?m. Sample Input 2?9 Sample Ou…

Find K-th Smallest Element in BST

Find K-th Smallest Element in BST

Problem Given a Binary Search Tree, find the k-th smallest element in the BST. Sample Input …

Find dropping point of an egg

Find dropping point of an egg

Problem You are given a 2-D grid where each cell has a value of either 1 or -1. Each cell in the…

Find MSB in O(1)

Find MSB in O(1)

Problem Given an integer N, find the maximum integer smaller than or equal to N, which is a powe…

Find MSB

Find MSB

Problem Given an integer, N. Find a maximum integer smaller than or equal to N that is the …

How to Generate Random Float numbers in Python using random and uniform() functions?

How to Generate Random Float numbers in Python using random and uniform() functions?

Python comes with a built-in random module to generate random numbers. The random module provides v…

Check if directed graph is connected

Check if directed graph is connected

Problem Given a directed graph, check if it is connected or not. Sample Input Sample O…

Count subarrays with given XOR

Count subarrays with given XOR

Problem Given an array of integers, count the number of subarrays that have the XOR equal to &ls…