Print Matrix in Spiral Form
Problem Given an integer matrix, print it in spiral form Sample Input [1 2 3 4] [4 5 6 …
Shift all matrix elements by 1 in spiral order
Problem Given an M x N matrix, shift all its elements by 1 in spiral order Sample Input …
Maximum Units
Problem You have to place a number of boxes into the truck. You are given a 2D array where each …
Missing Numbers
Problem Given an integer array in which all numbers occur twice except 2. Find those two numbers…
Monotonic Array
Problem Given an array. Check if it is monotonic increasing or decreasing. An array is monotonic…
Pass by Reference vs Pass by Pointer in C++
Pass by reference and pass by pointer are the two popular ways of passing variables to a function i…
Find a pair with a minimum absolute difference in an array
Problem Given an unsorted array, find the minimum difference between any pair in a given array a…
Find two non-overlapping pairs having the same sum in an array
Problem Given an unsorted array of integers. The task is to find any two non-overlapping pairs w…
Find triplet having maximum product in an array
Problem Find 3 numbers from the array such that their product is maximum. Sample Input […
Check if one string can be made another by swapping at most once
Problem Given two strings A and B, check if A can be made equal to B by swapping two characters …