How to find and remove loops in a Linked List?

How to find and remove loops in a Linked List?

Question Given a Linked List, how can you detect and remove a loop from that linked list efficie…

Check if a subarray with 0 sum exists or not

Check if a subarray with 0 sum exists or not

Problem Statement Let us say that we have given an array arr. We need to check if any subarray o…

Find ancestors of a given node in a Binary Tree

Find ancestors of a given node in a Binary Tree

Find all the ancestors of a given node in a binary tree You are given a binary tree and a node. …

Diameter of a Binary Tree

Diameter of a Binary Tree

Diameter of a Binary Tree The diameter of a tree or a binary tree is referred to as the count of…

Difference Between Repeater, DataList and GridView

Difference Between Repeater, DataList and GridView

To display and modify data in an Asp.Net web application, we can use data-bound controls, such as R…

Data Structure Interview Questions and Answers

Data Structure Interview Questions and Answers

Every year many computer science graduates apply for jobs related to programming, coding, and softw…

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Bellman-Ford Algorithm, which can apply on weighted Graph Data Structure, to find the shortest path…

What is Structured Programming? [Definition, Pros, and Cons]

What is Structured Programming? [Definition, Pros, and Cons]

Whether you are a novice or skilled programmer, you will definitely face difficulties in understand…

Circular Doubly Linked List

Circular Doubly Linked List

A circular doubly list is a combination of doubly and circular lists; it inherits the properties of…

Program to Find the Largest & Smallest Element in an Array [C, C++, Python & Java]

Program to Find the Largest & Smallest Element in an Array [C, C++, Python & Java]

This tutorial will help you learn to write a program in C, C++, Python, and Java to find the larges…

Program to Perform the Union of Two Sorted Arrays [C, C++, Python & Java]

Program to Perform the Union of Two Sorted Arrays [C, C++, Python & Java]

This tutorial will help you learn to write a program to perform the union of two sorted arrays. We …

Program to Find the Transpose of a Matrix [C, C++, Python & Java]

Program to Find the Transpose of a Matrix [C, C++, Python & Java]

Here, in this tutorial, we will write a program in C, C++, Python, and Java to transpose a matrix.&…