Python Global Keyword

    In this tutorial, we will learn what Python Global Keyword is, and where and when to use the same. So let us get started!

    Python Global Keyword

    Global Keyword

    The global keyword in python helps to grab a variable from the global scope to the local scope and allows the function user-defined function to alter its values. With the help of the global keyword, we can create a global variable and alter it in a local scope that will reflect outside the local scope.

    How to make a global variable using global keywords:

    • if we use a global keyword inside the function it will grab that variable if it’s already defined or create a new variable.
    • The changes made on the global variable will reflect outside the function too

    Let’s understand it with some examples:

    Example 1:

    x = 20                  #gobal variable
    def local():
          print(x)          #printing a global variabel



    Example 2:

    What if we create a local variable having the same name as a global variable?

    x = 20                     #gobal variable
    def local():
        x = 10                      # create local variable same name as global variable
        print("inside local",x)     #printing a local variable variabel
    print("outside local", x)


    inside local 10
    outside local 20

    Example 3:

    What if we try to alter the value of global variable inside a function?

    x = 20
    def local():
        x = x+30


    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

    Example 4:

    Use a global keyword to grab the global variable and create a new global variable:

    x = 30
    def local():
        global x        #grab the global variable x
        global y        #create a new global variable y inside a local scope
        x = x + 10      #alter the value of x
        y = 60          #assign a value to variable y
        print("the value of x inside the function is "+ str(x))
        print("the value of y inside the function is "+ str(y))
    print("the value of x outside the function is "+ str(x))
    print("the value of y outside the function is "+ str(y))    # calling a variable which is defined inside a function


    the value of x inside the function is 40
    the value of y inside the function is 60
    the value of x outside the function is 40
    the value of y outside the function is 60

    Global Variable Across the Python module

    For now, think that Modules are the different python files containing python code. Now, create a module or create a new python file by name and it should be on the same folder on which your file. Now we will declare some variables in file as global variables and then use a file to change the values of file and then call the file variable in our file and check whether the file make changes in the new . py file variable or not

    Let’s understand it with an example

    x    =  30
    y    =  "Hello world"
    import new
    new.x  =  200
    new.y  =  "Hey"
    ######################### ##################################
    import change
    import new



    Behind the code

    In the above example, we created three files,, In we declared two variables x and y then in file we alter the values of file variable x and y which we could see at our file output . you can see that in our file we import both new . py and change . py file if we only import new . py file so there would be no changes occur in the x and y values of the file.

    Global keyword in the nested loop

    Let’s see how to make a global keyword acts inside a nested loop.


     def local():
        x = 40  #local variable
        def in_local():
            global x        #create a global variable x having same name as the local variable of function local()
            x = 30          #assigning a new value to the global variable x
            print("the value of x inside in_local function is: ",x)
        in_local()          #calling the function in_local
        print("value of x inside the local function is: ", x)
    print("the value of x outside the function is:",x )


    the value of x inside in_local function is:  30
    value of x inside the local function is:  40
    the value of x outside the function is: 30

    Behind the scene

    In the above example, we can see that when we write global x inside the in_local() function it did not grab the local() function x variable instead it created a new global variable x has nothing to do with variable x of the local() function.