Learn Python
Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It is widely used in software and web development, task automation, machine learning, data science, and data visualization. Its elegant and easy-to-learn syntax makes it a beginner-friendly language.
Python is a go-to language if you want to kick-start your journey as a programmer. This tutorial will help you learn Python from the ground up. At the end of this tutorial, you will take yourself to the next level in Python programming.
Python Introduction -> Learn Python Programming Language
Python Introduction -> Python Keywords & Identifiers
Python Introduction -> Python Comments, Statements, Indentation & Docstring
Python Introduction -> Python Variables, Constants and Literals
Python Introduction -> Python Data Types
Python Introduction -> Python Type Conversion and Type Casting
Python Introduction -> Python Input Output (I/O) and Import
Python Introduction -> Python Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical and more.
Python Introduction -> Python Name, Namespace, & Scope
Python Functions -> Python Function
Python Functions -> Python Functions Arguments
Python Functions -> Python Recursion
Python Functions -> Python Lambda Function
Python Functions -> Python Global, Local and Nonlocal Variables
Python Functions -> Python Global Keyword
Python Functions -> Python Modules
Python Functions -> Python Package
Python Data Types -> Python Number, Type Conversion and Mathematics
Python Data Types -> Python List
Python Data Types -> Python List Comprehension
Python Data Types -> Python Tuple
Python Data Types -> Python String
Python Data Types -> Python Arrays: How to Create, Add, and Delete Elements?
Python Data Types -> Python Sets
Python Data Types -> Python Matrix
Python Data Types -> Python Dictionary
Python Data Types -> Python Nested Dictionary
Python File Handaling -> Python File I/O
Python File Handaling -> Python Directory, File Management
Python File Handaling -> Python Exception Handling: Try, Except, and Finally
Python File Handaling -> Python Exception or Error During the Run Time
Python File Handaling -> Python User-defined Exception
Python Additional Tutorial -> Python Iterators
Python Additional Tutorial -> Python Generators
Python Additional Tutorial -> Python Decorators
Python Additional Tutorial -> Python Closures
Python Additional Tutorial -> Property in Python
Python Additional Tutorial -> Python Shallow Copy & Deep Copy
Python Additional Tutorial -> Python Assert Statement