JavaScript Switch Case

    In the last JavaScript tutorial, we learned about JavaScript if...else statements . Where we used if statement when we want to execute a block of code based on a single condition, if....else statement to execute either of one statement between two blocks of code based on a single condition, and if....else if..... statement when we have multiple conditions and want to execute one block of code. In this JavaScript tutorial, we will learn about the JavaScript Switch Case statement, which is an alternative and elegant way to if... else if... statement. If you have ever worked with other programming languages like C++ and Java there, you have seen the Switch Case statement, and in JavaScript, it has a similar structure and use.

    JavaScript Switch Case Flow Chart

    Similar to the if...else statement, the Switch Case follows a flow pattern and executes a block of code based on the true condition.

    JavaScript Switch Case Syntax The overall Switch Case Statement built using 4 main keywords, switch , case , break , and default.

    switch (expression)
            case condition1: //case 1 code block;
            case condition2:  //case 2 code block;
            case condition3: //case 3 code block;
            default: // default code block

    The switch statement contains an expression that can either be a variable or value. The case contain a condition which must be a value. The JavaScript parses the switch expression and check it with every case condition value. If the case condition value matches the switch expression value, the code of the case gets executed. Every case statement must have a break keyword at last, else if the switch condition matches the first case, all the other cases also get executed. The break statement throws us out of the switch case statement when the interpreter executes any case. If all the cases do not satisfy the switch expression, the default code block gets executed, it is similar to the else statement of if....else statement. Now let's see the real use case of Switch Case with a classic switch case weekday example.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h3> JavaScript Switch Case Example (With break)</h3>");
                let weekday =3;
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                    case 6:
                    case 7:
                        document.write("WeekDay value must between 1 to 7")


    From the output, you can see that our switch expression weekday value was 3 and based on the weekday value the corresponding case 3 get executed with Tuesday printing on the web-page as the output.

    Now let's execute the same above program without using the break statement in the case block.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h3> JavaScript Switch Case Example (Without break)</h3>");
                let weekday =3;
                    case 1:
                        document.write("Sunday <br>");                 
                    case 2:
                        document.write("Monday <br>");
                    case 3:
                        document.write("Tuesday <br>");
                    case 4:
                        document.write("Wednesday <br>");
                    case 5:
                        document.write("Thursday <br>");
                    case 6:
                        document.write("Friday <br>");
                    case 7:
                        document.write("Saturday <br>");
                        document.write("WeekDay value must between 1 to 7")

    From the output, you can see that not only case 3 but all the other cases under 3 also get executed. This is because here, we are not using the break statement in the case statement blocks.


    • The switch case statement is an alternative for if...else if.. statement.
    • The switch defines an expression value, and the interpreter compares the expression value with case conditions.
    • Every case block must have a break; statement at the end.
    • If no case satisfies the switch condition, the default code block gets executed.

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