JavaScript Operators

    What is an Operator in JavaScript?

    An Operator can be a symbol, sign or keyword, that operates on operand (values) and return a result. For example * is an Arithmetic Multiplication operator, and it can be operated between two numerical operands(data values), 5*3 , and return the multiplication of 5 and 3 as a result. JavaScript supports major 7 types of Operators

    1. Arithmetic Operator
    2. Comparison Operator
    3. Logical Operator
    4. Assignment Operator
    5. Conditional Ternary operator
    6. Bitwise operator
    7. JavaScript Type Operator

    1. Arithmetic Operators

    As the operator name suggests, Arithmetic operators are borrowed from mathematics and they only work between two numbers data type values.

    Arithmetic Operator Description Example Result
    + Addition 1+2; 3
    - Subtraction 1-2; -1
    * Multiplication 1*2; 2
    / Division 1/2; 0.5
    ** Exponent 2**3 8
    % Modulus (Remainder) 13%4 1
    ++ Increment a=2; a++ 3
    -- Decrement a=2; a--; 2

    JavaScript Arithmetic Operators Example

    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h1> JavaScript Arithmetic Operators</h1>");
                let num1 = 20;
                let num2 = 3;
                document.write("<h3>num1 = 20, num2= 3 </h3>")
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 + num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 - num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 * num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 / num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 ** num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break                       
                document.write('num1 % num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1++ = ');
                num1++;  // increment by 1
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num2-- = ');
                num2--;  // decrement by 1
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
    Note: Arithmetic operator can only work between two numeric data values. If you use + operator between two strings or one string and one numeric value then insted of addition, concatination operation will be performed. Example document.write("one"+1); the result will be one1

    2. Comparison Operators

    The comparison operator also operates between two data values and return a boolean value true or false .

    Comparison Operator Description Example Result
    == Equal 1==2; false
    != Not Equal 1!=2; true
    > Greater than 1>2; false
    < Less than 1<2; true
    >= Greater than or equal to 1>=2; false
    <= Less than or Equal to 1<=2; true


    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h1> JavaScript Comparison Operators</h1>");
                let num1 = 20;
                let num2 = 3;
                document.write("<h3>num1 = 20, num2= 3 </h3>")
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 == num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 != num2 = ');
                document.write(num1!= num2);
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 > num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 < num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 >= num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('num1 <= num2 = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break

    3. Logical Operators

    The logical operator operates between two boolean values and also returns the result in a boolean value.

    Logical Operator Description Example Result
    && AND: The result will be true only if both the operands are true. true && true true
    || OR: the result will only be false if both the operands are false true || false true
    ! NOT: Reverse the boolean value. ! true false


    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h1> JavaScript Logical Operators</h1>");
                let a= true;
                let b=false;
                document.write("<h3>a = true, b= false </h3>")
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('a && b = ');
                document.write(a && b);
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('a || b = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('!a = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break                        

    4. Assignment Operators

    The assignment operator is used to assign a value to a JavaScript variable. And when we use the Arithmetic operators with the assignment operators, it is known as Compound Assignment Operators in JavaScript.

    Assignment Operator Description Example Result
    = Assignment operator x =2; x value will become 2
    += Compound Addition Assignment Operator x +=2; x = x+2;
    -= Compound Subtraction Assignment Operator x -= 2; x = x-2;
    *= Compound Multiplication Assignment Operator x *=2; x = x*2;
    /= Compound division Assignment Operator x /=2; x = x/2;
    % Compound Modulus Assignment Operator x %=2; x = x%2;
    **= Compound Exponent Assignment Operator x **=2 x = x**2


    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h1> JavaScript Assignment Operators</h1>");
                let a=2;
                let b=3;
                document.write("<h3>a = 2, b= 3 </h3>")
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('a += b =  ');
                document.write(a += b);
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('a -= b = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('a *=b = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('a /=b = ');
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write('a **=b = ');

    5. Conditional Ternary Operator

    The ternary operator is an expression which execution depends upon the true and false value. The ternary operator evaluates the expression and returns the appropriate result based on the true or false expression. It is called ternary operator because it takes three operands to work. The first operand is  the condition The second operand is the true value. The third operand is the false value.

    Ternary Operator Description Example Result
    (condition) true value: false value ternary operator (a>b) x: y; if a is greater than b return x else return y


    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h1> JavaScript Ternary Operators</h1>");
                let a=2;
                let b=3;
                document.write("<h3>a = 2, b= 3 </h3>")
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                // ternary operator
                let c = (a>b)? 30 :40;
                document.write("c =");

    6. Bitwise Operators

    The bitwise operator between two operands. The bitwise operator first convert the numeric data values to their corresponding 32-bit binary format then perform Bit operations between them.

    Bitwise Operator Description Example Result
    & AND 1 & 2 0
    | OR 1|2 3
    ~ NOT ~ 1 -2
    ^ XOR 1^2 3
    << Zero Fill left shift 1<<2 4
    >> Signed right Shift 1>>2 0
    >>> Zero fill right shift 1>>>2 0


    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h1> JavaScript Bitwise Operators</h1>");
                let a=2;
                let b=3;
                document.write("<h3>a = 2, b= 3 </h3>")
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write("a & b =");
                document.write(a & b );
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write("a | b =");
                document.write(a | b );
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write("~a =");
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write("a ^ b =");
                document.write(a ^ b );
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write("a << b =");
                document.write(a << b );
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write("a >> b =");
                document.write(a >> b );
                document.write("<br>"); // line break
                document.write("a >>> b =");
                document.write(a >>> b );
                document.write("<br>"); // line break


    7. Type Operators

    There are two Type operators in JavaScript

    Type Operator Description Example Result
    typeof Return the Data Type of the operand. typeof 20; number
    instanceof Return boolean value true or false if the variable is an instance of the object. a = {name:"value"};   a instanceof Object; true


    <!DOCTYPE html>
                document.write("<h1> JavaScript Type Operators</h1>");
                 let a = {name:"Rahul", age:20};
                 document.write("typeof a = ");
                 document.write(typeof a);
                 document.write("a instanceof Object= ");
                 document.write(a instanceof Object);


    • Operators are used to perform operations between operands
    • The operator could be a binary, unary, or ternary operator.
    • JavaScript support 7 different types of Operators.
    • The Arithmetic Operators perform arithmetic operations between operands.
    • The Comparision operator compares two operands and returns a boolean value.
    • The Logical operator performs operation between the boolean operands and also returns a boolean value.
    • The assignment operator assigns a value to the variable.
    • The ternary operator work between three operands.
    • The bitwise operator converts the numeric value to 32 bits binary format and performs bit operation on the binary format.
    • The typeof operator returns the Data Type of variable.
    • The instanceof operator checks if the operand is an instance of the specified object.

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