How to Use Google Custom Search Engine API in Python?

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How to Use Google Custom Search Engine API in Python?

Vinay Khatri
Last updated on February 11, 2025

    Google is the >most popular search engine, and compared to other search engines, it is fast and returns the best results based on the search query.

    In this tutorial, we will discuss how to use Google Custom Search Engine API in Python.

    Let's say you want to fetch the results shown by the Google Search engine for the search query "Python." To do so, you have the option of web scraping. However, web scraping is not efficient.

    Moreover, it is slow, and for some reason, Google also might block your request considering that you are a bot. So Python web scraping for fetching Google Search results is a big no!

    So what other option do we have? Google itself provides the Custom Search Engine ( CSE ) API, which can be used to search results from the entire web or some specific websites.

    Here, in this Python tutorial, we will walk you through the Google Custom Search Engine API, writing a Python program to interact with Google CSE, and fetching Google Search results for TechGeekBuzz.

    How to Use Google Custom Search Engine API in Python?

    First of all, we will be setting the Google Custom Search Engine (CSE), and here our main objective will be to create the API Key.

    Next, we will set the search option to the specific website, which, in this case, is As here we are using a Google API, you must have a Gmail ID for the Google Developer Console.

    Set Up the Google CSE API for Python

    Step 1 - Create a New Project

    Visit the Google Developer Console Dashboard and log in with your Gmail ID. Once you do that, you will see a Dashboard similar to the one shown below. Here, you need to create a New Project.

    Click on the My First Project, then click on New Project .

    Give a name to your Project. For this tutorial, we are creating a Project with the name, MyNewProject .

    Step II - Set Up the API

    After creating the project, select it and search for the Custom Search API using the Dashboard Search Bar, and click on the first option.

    Now, click on the ENABLE button, and this will enable the Custom Search API for our current project.

    After Enabling the API, you need to go to Credentials . There, click on CREATE CREDENTIALS , and select the Help me choose option.

    Next, click on the API key link to create a new API key.

    Now, select API restrictions . Select Custom Search API, and hit the Create button.

    It will create a New API for you with a key. Copy the key in your clipboard because we will be using it in the Python program.

    Step III - Create a Custom Search Engine

    Now we are done with setting the API. Next, we need to create a Custom Search Engine, and to create a Custom Search Engine, we need to visit . Now, click on the Add button.

    After clicking the ADD button, we need to specify the Sites to Search option. As for this tutorial, we will be searching for the posts on Therefore, in the Site to search column, we will be filling in our website address.

    Also, we will be giving our custom search engine the name of MyFirstCustomEngine. After filling in the Name and Sites to search, click the create button.

    This will create a Custom Search Engine for you. You will get a screen similar to this:

    From this newly created Custom Search Engine, we need its Search Engine ID . To get the same, visit , and click on the newly created Custom Search Engine. Look for the Search Engine ID, and copy it on the clipboard because we will be using it in the Python program.

    Now we are all done with setting up and creating the Google Custom Search Engine API. Next, we can write the Python script to use Google Custom Search Engine API, but before that, let's install the required library.

    Install the Required Library

    When it comes to Google APIs, we need to install a Python library provided by Google to interact with Google APIs. Run the following Python pip install command to install the google-api-python-client library:

    pip install google-api-python-client

    Now we are all set to use the Google Custom Search Engine with Python. Next, open your best Python IDE or text editor and start coding.

    Create Google Custom Search Engine With Python

    Let's start with importing the required modules and credentials, API_KEY , and Search Engine ID .

    #google api modules
    from apiclient.discovery import build
    api_key = "AIzaSyCkaDGV3Ca_jndjdhbswMgPE3dMuciuYKw" 
    search_engine_id= "42nskjsh426jsn63d2" #here put your own credential

    Now, we need to create a Resource object, which will send the request to the Custom Search Engine. To build a resource, we will use the build() model and call the cse() method on it.

    #build resouce
    resource = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key).cse()

    The build module accepts three mandatory parameters. Here, we are using the Custom Search Engine, and that's why we specify the customsearch service with version v1 and its API key.

    Now, we need to create a request and execute it with the resource object. The request will contain the query q and the Search Engine ID cx . After creating the query, we need to execute it using the execute() method.

    #create a request
    request =resource.list(q="Python", cx=search_engine_id)
    #execute request
    result = request.execute()

    Normally, the web results are sent and received in JSON format, but the execute() method will return the result in a dictionary format, which is a similar data structure to JSON. The result would be a dictionary, where the items key holds all the values for all the search results. We can print len of result["items"] to see the total number of results found on the first page.

    print("Total",len(result['items']), "results found on 1st page")

    By default, the Custom Search Engine shows only ten results per page. Now, we can loop through the items and grab the link, title, and description for all the result items.

    for item in result["items"]:
        print("Title:", item["title"])   #access title
        print("Link:", item["link"])     #access link
        print("Description:",item["snippet"])    #access description

    Finally, put all the code together and execute.

    #A Python Program to Use Google Custom Search Engine API

    #google api modules
    from apiclient.discovery import build
    api_key = "AIzaSyCkaDGV3Ca_jndjdhbswMgPE3dMuciuYKw"
    search_engine_id= "42nskjsh426jsn63d2" #here put your own credential
    #build resouce
    resource = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key).cse()
    #create a request
    request =resource.list(q="Python", cx=search_engine_id)
    #execute request
    result = request.execute()
    print("Total",len(result['items']), "results found on 1st page")
    for item in result["items"]:
        print("Title:", item["title"])   #access title
        print("Link:", item["link"])     #access link
        print("Description:",item["snippet"])    #access description


    Total 10 results found on 1st page
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    From the above output, you can see that all the search results are from for the Python query.


    In this Python tutorial, you learned how to set up Custom Search Engine API on the Google API console, how to create a Custom Search Engine, and how to write a Python program to interact with the Google Custom Search Engine API. To Interact with the Google CSE, you need the CSE API and the Custom Search Engine ID, and you all are good to go. While creating the API, do not share the API key or ID with anyone.

    We have shared the key and ID to explain this tutorial. After writing this tutorial, we deleted the API key and ID for obvious security reasons.

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