At the beginning stage, we generally built console-based Python projects where we simply printed the output on the terminal with the black background and white text. Although on Linux and mac, when we print the output on the console, we have an option to change the color theme of the console and text. On Windows, we do not get that feature. There, we have to make our work done with the traditional command prompt.
However, it would be cool. Instead of changing the color of the terminal, we could use Python programming to print the colorful output using the code.
In this Python tutorial, you will learn how to print and give color to your output text using the popular Python
How to print colored Python output on the terminal?
colorama library
is an open-source Python library that is used to print color terminal text and cursor position on windows and other operating systems. Install
for your Python environment and run the following pip command on your terminal or command prompt.
pip install colorama
Print Colorful Python text on the terminal
To print the colorful text on the terminal, we can use the
class, along with the print statement.
from colorama import init #for windows
init() #for windows
from colorama import Fore
print(Fore.RED+ "This text will be printed red")
print(Fore.GREEN+ "This text will be printed green")
print(Fore.YELLOW+ "This text will be printed yellow")
If you are on windows, it's very important to write
from colorama import init
statement before you use any Colorama method. These two statements will have no effect on other operating systems, but on windows, it will filter ANSI escape sequences out of any text sent to
, and replace them with equivalent Win32 calls.
Colorful Python output background on the terminal
To make the background color, we can use the
class, with the print statement.
from colorama import init #for windows
init() #for windows
from colorama import Back
print(Back.RED+ "Background will be red")
print(Back.GREEN+ " Background will be green")
print(Back.YELLOW+ "Background will be yellow")
Dim or Bright the output
We can also change the brightness of the output text using the Colorama Style class.
from colorama import init #for windows
init() #for windows
from colorama import Style
print(Style.DIM+ "Dim text")
print(Style.BRIGHT+ "Bright Text")
In this Python tutorial, you learned how to print colorful text output in Python. In other operating systems, we can simply use the ANSI escape character sequence to print the colorful text on the terminal there. We do not have to use Colorama. But in the window operating system, we need Colorama to wrap stdout , strip ANSI sequences, and convert them into the appropriate win32 calls to modify the state of the terminal.
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