Features of C

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Features of C

Vinay Khatri
Last updated on February 11, 2025

    Through this article, you will get in-depth information about the Features of C. Time and again, the C language has shown its importance, but have you ever wondered that even with the onset of many high-level programming languages like Python and Java, why is C still in the market and thriving like a modern language? Have you wondered what makes C so unique? Well, before we dive into that, we must know what the C language is.

    What is C?

    C is a general-purpose, procedural programming language that was developed by Dennis Ritchie and Bell Labs in the year 1972. It is a fundamental and straightforward language and is predominantly utilized for creating computer applications. All other programming languages are based straightforwardly or indirectly on C programming .

    Features of C

    The following features are the reason why C is still considered one of the best programming languages , even in the year 2020, with many contemporary languages like Python and Java.

    1. Easy to Use

    C is a primary language as it gives an organized method (break the issue into parts), the luxurious arrangement of library capacities, information types, and so on. C language is a straightforward and straightforward programming language for both learning and coding. We can write each C program in the primary English language, which is easily understandable.

    2. Portable

    Unlike other programming languages, the C code can smoothly run on various machines and platforms with some machine-specific changes. This feature makes it portable, or as we call it, machine-independent.

    3. Fast

    More contemporary languages like java, python offer more highlights than c because of extra processing and modern advancements in these languages, their exhibition rate gets down adequately. C, being a middle-level language, furnishes developers access to coordinate control with the PC equipment; however, higher-level languages don't permit this. That is one reason C language is considered as the initial decision to begin getting the hang of programming languages. It's quick because statically composed words are faster than powerfully written words.

    4. Rich Library

    It is a differentiated language with a vibrant arrangement of implicit libraries. We can use these libraries for writing complicated C programs. Powerful libraries and capacities in C help even a tenderfoot coder to code quickly.

    5. Syntax-Based

    C is a tight-syntax-based language. A language gets the title of a strong-syntax speech when it strictly follows the rules of syntax, and that is the case with C. A loose-syntax-based language is something that does not follow syntax strictly.

    6. Case Sensitive

    In C programming, 'jump and JUMP' both are unique. It is additionally a principle highlight of C Language. A case-sensitive programming language is any language that treats lower case letters and capitalized letters independently.

    7. Compiler Based

    C is a compiler-based programming language. Meaning that we cannot execute a C program without compilation. First, we need a compiler to accumulate our program and afterward run it.

    8. Structure Oriented

    C is an organized or structured programming language as we can break the program into parts utilizing functions. In this way, it is easy to comprehend and alter. Capacities likewise give code reusability.

    9. Middle Level

    Even though C is expected to do low-level programming, we can use it to create framework applications, like kernels and other complex apps. It likewise underpins the highlights of a higher-level language. That is the reason it is known as mid-level language .

    10. Uses Pointers

    A pointer is a variable that holds the location of another variable. It has direct access to the memory address of any variable, and hence, it improves the utility and performance of the app. C efficiently uses pointers.


    C is one of the oldest and most popular programming languages. It is a simple and easy-to-understand programming language that follows the procedural programming paradigm. In addition, it is a low-level language, which makes it a suitable choice for system programming. In other words, C is an apt choice for developing operating systems and compilers. Despite the fact that there are many other popular and powerful programming languages today, C remains one of the finest languages, all thanks to its features mentioned above. People are also reading:

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