50 Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers for 2025

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50 Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers for 2025

Vinay Khatri
Last updated on February 11, 2025

    CSS is one of the three pillars of front-end web development. Every website and web application uses CSS to style its elements. While HTML defines the structure and the elements of a web page, it is the CSS code that makes the elements colorful and visually appealing. Also, without the use of Cascading Style Sheets, a webpage looks quite basic and unattractive.

    If you are preparing for a front-end job interview, you simply need to have a strong knowledge of CSS. After you develop a strong understanding of the basics of the language, focus on creating CSS projects to implement those theoretical concepts.  In general, interviewers assess your knowledge of various CSS concepts, and thus, they can ask various questions.

    Well, in this article, we will list the most commonly asked CSS interview questions and also provide a relevant answer to each question. However, before we start discussing the top CSS interview questions and answers, let's take a look at how can you crack the interview for a job role that requires expertise in Cascading Style Sheets?

    How to Crack a CSS Interview?

    CSS is a style sheet language and not a programming language. Also, CSS is easy to learn as it does not have any programming concepts like JavaScript . As a result, the CSS interview questions are usually straightforward. The interviewer could also ask you questions related to the CSS syntax and its usage.

    Also, the interviewer may also ask about your experience with any of the CSS frameworks , such as Bootstrap and Foundation. Also, while sharing your experience, you should not mention any tools or technologies that you haven't worked with.

    50 Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers

    Here are the 50 frequently asked CSS interview questions that you might come across during your interviews. We have divided them into three levels, namely basic CSS interview questions, intermediate CSS interview questions, and advanced CSS interview questions.

    CSS Interview Questions for Freshers

    1. What is CSS?

    Answer: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language that is used to style HTML. Also, CSS provides a graphical interface to HTML .

    2. Give some advantages of CSS.

    Answer: The key advantages offered by CSS are:

    • Code reusability
    • Easy to maintain
    • Bandwidth reduction
    • Almost every browser supports CSS.
    • CSS is fast and allows pages to load faster.

    3. What is the latest version of CSS?

    Answer: The latest version of CSS is CSS3, which is also known as CSS Level 3.

    4. What is the file extension of CSS files?

    Answer: We can save the CSS file using the .css extension.

    5. What are the different methods to integrate CSS on an HTML page?

    Answer: There are three different ways of integrating CSS with HTML pages. These are:

    1. Inline CSS
    2. Internal CSS or Embedded CSS
    3. External CSS

    6. Why do we use the external method more than any other method?

    Answer: The external method increases the code reusability of CSS. In the external method, we create a separate CSS file and link it to an HTML page.

    7. What is the Embedded Style Sheet in CSS?

    Answer: When we write the CSS code within the HTML code using the style tag, this method of adding CSS to an HTML page is known as an embedded style sheet. Here's how we add CSS code within the style tag:

    body {
    background-color: yellow;

    8. Give some advantages of Embedded style sheets in CSS.


    • We can directly access specific HTML page CSS.
    • The changes made on a style tag will remain for the same web page.

    9. What is the difference between an inline and an embedded style sheet?

    Answer: Inline style writes along with the HTML tags, and they style only a small piece of code. For example:

    <h1 style="color:blue;margin-left:30px;">This is a heading</h1>

    Unlike inline CSS, embedded style sheet can act on the whole web page and it is written between the head tag. For example:

    body {
    background-color: linen;
    h1 {
    color: red;
    margin-left: 80px;

    10. Give some limitations of CSS.

    Answer: There are certain limitations of CSS that are:

    • We cannot perform any logical operation with CSS.
    • CSS cannot deal with databases.
    • CSS cannot request a web page.

    11. Name some frameworks of CSS.


    • Bootstrap
    • Foundation
    • Bulma
    • Ulkit
    • Semantic UI

    12. What is a framework?

    Answer: A framework is a group of codes that call your code and perform a task.

    13. What components do we keep in mind when we use CSS to style HTML?


    • Selector
    • Property
    • Value

    14. What is a selector in CSS?

    Answer: A selector is an HTML tag that we can use to target a specific element on an HTML web page for styling, and the selector could be any tag such as <div> and <p>.

    15. What are the type and universal selectors?

    Answer: Whenever we want to style a tag, we need to select it. When we select a specific type of tag, that selection is known as type selection. For example, let us perform a type selector on the heading tag:

    h2 {
    color: blue;

    The above CSS code will only turn the color of text under the h2 tag to blue. In universal selector , instead of selecting a specific tag, we perform styling on every tag that satisfies the CSS statement. To perform the universal selector, we use the asterisk symbol:

    * {
    color: blue;

    16. What is the descendant selector in CSS?

    Answer: In CSS, when we use a tag inside another tag and only want to style that nested tag, we use the descendant selector. For example, here, we only want to change the color of the text within the emphasize tags that are inside the ordered list tags.

    ol em {
    color: blue;

    17. What are class selectors in CSS?

    Answer: Class is an HTML attribute , and to perform styling on classes, we use the class selector. To select a specific class, we use the class name in the CSS code. In the class selector, instead of selecting a tag, we select the class attribute. For example:

    {              color : red;

    18. What is a property in CSS?

    Answer: A property is defined as a type of style performed on the selector. Some common CSS properties are color and border.

    19. What is value in CSS?

    Answer: The data or values assigned to the properties are known as values. Some common values are red, blue, and px.

    20. What is opacity in CSS ?

    Answer: Opacity is a property in CSS that is used to alter the transparency level of an object, especially images.

    Code Example :

    img {
    opacity: 0.4;

    21. What % unit signifies in CSS value?

    Answer: % measures the value in percentage.

    Code Example :

    p {
    line-size : 200 % ;

    22. What does cm mean in CSS value?

    Answer: cm measures a value in centimeters.

    Code Example :

    div {
    margin-bottom: 5cm;

    23. Is CSS case sensitive?

    Answer: CSS is not case-sensitive.

    24. Name the format in which we can specify the color in CSS.


    • Hex code
    • Short Hex Code
    • RGB %
    • RGB absolute
    • Keyword

    25. What is a declaration box in CSS?

    Answer: A declaration box is a block of statements inside the curly braces, and those statements could be properties and values.

    Intermediate CSS Interview Questions and Answers

    26. Name the font attributes we use in CSS.


    • font-style
    • font-variant
    • font-weight
    • font-size/ line-height
    • font-family
    • caption
    • icon

    27. What CSS property do we use to color the background of a web page?

    Answer: We use the background-color property to change the background of a web page.

    Code Example :

    background-color: red;
    </style>  example:

    28. Name all the positions where we can set an image in CSS.


    • bottom
    • center
    • left
    • right
    • top

    29. What is responsive web design?

    Answer: Responsive web design , aka RWD, is a method of creating a webpage that can perfectly display on different devices, such as tablets, desktops, mobiles, and laptops. With a responsive web design, we do not have to create web pages separately for different devices, and the display of the web page automatically adjusts according to the display size of the device.

    30. What is a pseudo-element in CSS?

    Answer: A pseudo-element is a concept in CSS that we use to style a specific part of a selector. For example, if we want to style the first line of a paragraph only, we will use the following CSS code:

    p::first-line {
    color: red;

    31. What is the float property in CSS?

    Answer: The float property in CSS allows an element to float inside the parent body.

    32. Which CSS property is used to control the repetition of an image in the background?

    Answer: To control the repetition of an image, we use the background-repeat property.

    33. What is the difference between visibility: hidden and display: none?

    Answer: If we use visibility: hidden to hide an element, it will hide that element with the blank spaces. In other words, by setting the visibility property to hidden, we can hide the element, but there will be a certain number of spaces that will still be occupied. On the other hand, when we use display: none, it simply hides the element and occupies no spaces.

    34. What is tweening?

    Answer: Tweening is a method of creating intermediate frames between two images.

    35. What is the navigation bar in CSS?

    Answer: The navigation bar in CSS provides a dynamic user interface on a web page.

    36. What are the important declarations in CSS?

    Answer: We use an important declaration to override the declaration having less importance.

    37. What is the CSS Box Model? Name its elements.

    Answer: A box model deals with the design and layout of the elements, and these elements are:

    38. What does @import do in CSS?

    Answer: @import is used to import one CSS file to another CSS file.

    Code Example :

    @import "another.css"

    39. Where do we use @import in the CSS code?

    Answer: We use @import at the top to avoid the overriding of code.

    40. What are comments in CSS, and why do we use them?

    Answer: Comments are the special statements in CSS that do not execute. Moreover, they provide additional information about the code. To write a comment we use /* comment */ ; the comment is written in between /* and */.

    CSS Interview Questions for Experiences Developers

    41. Which property is used to color a border?

    Answer: border-color.

    42. Who is responsible for maintaining CSS specifications?

    Answer: World Wide Web Consortium is responsible for maintaining CSS specifications.

    43. What are the merits and demerits of External Style Sheets?

    Answer: Here are the merits and demerits of external style sheets:


    • You can control multiple HTML documents with different styles using a single file.
    • It enables you to create classes to use on various HTML element types in multiple documents.
    • You can use selector and grouping methods to apply styles in complex situations.


    • External style sheets are not ideal for small style definitions.
    • It requires an extra download to import style information for each document.
    • You can't render a document until you load an external style sheet.

    44. Which are more precedent: CSS properties or HTML procedures?

    Answer: CSS properties are more precedent over HTML procedures. Browsers that do not support CSS display HTML attributes.

    45. Explain at-rule.

    Answer: The at-rule is a rule that is applicable to the entire CSS sheet and not to the parts of the sheet. An at-rule is preceded with @ and followed by A-Z, a-z, or 0-9.

    46. Are quotes mandatory to use in URLs?

    Answer: No, using quotes in URLs is optional. Moreover, you can either use single or double quotes in URLs.

    47. How to remove the gap under the images?

    Answer: Since images in CSS are inline elements, they are treated as text. Therefore, there is a gap left under images. To remove that gap, you can use the following line of code:

    img { display: block ; }

    48. Enumerate different media types used in CSS.

    Answer: The following list enumerates the media types used in CSS:

    • Print
    • All
    • Aural
    • Embossed
    • Braille
    • Handheld
    • Projection
    • Screen
    • TTY
    • TV

    49. Define a 'ruleset' in CSS.

    Answer: A ruleset or rule in CSS instructs a browser on how to render a particular element on an HTML page. It consists of a selector followed by a declaration block.

    50. Explain the Z-index property.

    Answer: The Z-index property in CSS defines the stack order of an element. Elements having higher stack order are placed in front of elements with lower stack order. Moreover, this property is applicable only to the positioned elements and flex items.


    There are no specific jobs related to CSS. However, CSS is a key skill required for several job roles, such as JavaScript developer, Angular developer, React developer, web developer, and PHP developer. In general, for any front-end developer job interview, knowledge of CSS is quite essential.

    Thus, becoming familiar with the top CSS interview questions can be beneficial for you if you want to appear for a front-end developer job interview. Also, you can brush up on your knowledge of CSS concepts by going through the CSS interview questions and answers mentioned in this article.

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    If you are appearing for a web developer, front-end developer, or full-stack developer interview, you can unequivocally expect CSS questions.

    Basically, CSS is a style sheet language to style HTM documents that are to be displayed in a browser. Simply with CSS, you cannot land a job. You need to learn at least HTML and JavaScript, along with CSS.

    Yes, HTML and CSS both fall under the category of fundamental tech skills. While HTML is used for structuring web pages, CSS adds style to those web pages.

    If you are planning to have a career in the web development industry, it is essential to learn CSS.

    Though you can create websites without CSS, they won't look good and shine better. Websites without CSS are like food without taste. CSS enhances user experience and makes websites more presentable.

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