10 Best SQL Certifications to Get in 2025
For database administrators, back-end developers, and data science professionals, SQL is a must-hav…

10 Best SQL Courses to Take in 2025
SQL is the acronym for Structured Query Language, which is the standard language for managing relat…

SQL vs NoSQL: Difference You Should Know
As a database is the backbone of any application, choosing between a SQL-based (relational) or NoSQ…

10 Best SQL Books You Need to Read in 2025
Through this article, we will help you understand what SQL is and the need for learning SQL. Also, …

Best SQL Projects for Database Developers of All Levels
Organizational data keeps on increasing day by day, thus increasing the demand for managing and fil…

SQL Views
A VIEW is an SQL statement which is used to create virtual tables, although it is just a SQL statem…

SQL Having Clause
Like the WHERE clause, the HAVING clause in SQL is used to put a condition on a statement. In SQL, …

SQL Transaction
If there is a group of SQL commands performed on a database to manipulate the stored data, then all…

SQL SELECT Database, USE Statement
If we have multiple Databases in our SQL schema then in order to operate on specific database first…

SQL Expression
When we use two or more than two combinations of values, operators and SQL functions, then it is co…

Difference Between SQL and MySQL
Handling and maintaining massive datasets would be a heck of a task if it were not for database too…

SQL for Data Science - A Complete Guide
Data science is one of the most promising and flourishing domains offering a plethora of job opport…