Basic Python Exercise for Beginners
Learning the basic syntax of Python is not enough. It is effortless to learn the syntax of any prog…
Python Class Variables vs Instance Variables
Python supports object-oriented programming, which means we can use class and objects to create the…
Python isinstance() function with Examples
With the type() function, we can check the data type or class type of a data object. But with the i…
How to create files in Python?
Python is one of the favorite programming languages of every developer who wants to perform data an…
NodeJS vs Python: Choose the Best Backend Language
Generally, programmers make a pick of backend technology for building web applications depending on…
C# vs Python - Which One is the Better Choice?
Python and C# both are high-level, object-oriented programming languages. They are easy to learn an…
Python vs Java: Which is Better?
Python and Java are among the most popular and chart-topping programming languages. Both are battli…
Nested Loops in Python
In Python, if we define a loop inside the loop, that loop will be called the nested loop. In this P…
Python random choice function to select a random item from a list and Set
We can use the random.choice() function if we want to select a random item from a list, tuple…
Python TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable solution
Dictionary is a standard Python data structure that stores the elements in the form of key:value pa…
Python random randrange() and randint() to generate random integer number within a range
In Python's random module, we have two functions randrange() and randint(), that can gener…
Python TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer Solution
Python range() function can only accept integer values as arguments. If we try to pass a strin…