PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Understanding the Key Differences

PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Understanding the Key Differences

With a database being the backbone of any application, it is quite important to decide which databa…

JSON vs XML: Which One Should You Choose?

JSON vs XML: Which One Should You Choose?

From desktop to web and mobile applications, almost all applications rely on one of the two leading…

MongoDB vs MySQL: A Detailed Comparison

MongoDB vs MySQL: A Detailed Comparison

MongoDB and MySQL are two well-known and widely used databases. While MySQL is a relational or SQL …

MariaDB vs MySQL: Which One is a Better Choice?

MariaDB vs MySQL: Which One is a Better Choice?

MySQL and MariaDB are two popular relational databases. Interestingly, MariaDB is an extended versi…

C# vs Python - Which One is the Better Choice?

C# vs Python - Which One is the Better Choice?

Python and C# both are high-level, object-oriented programming languages. They are easy to learn an…

SQL vs NoSQL: Difference You Should Know

SQL vs NoSQL: Difference You Should Know

As a database is the backbone of any application, choosing between a SQL-based (relational) or NoSQ…

Python vs Java: Which is Better?

Python vs Java: Which is Better?

Python and Java are among the most popular and chart-topping programming languages. Both are battli…

Nested Loops in Python

Nested Loops in Python

In Python, if we define a loop inside the loop, that loop will be called the nested loop. In this P…

Python random choice function to select a random item from a list and Set

Python random choice function to select a random item from a list and Set

We can use the random.choice()  function if we want to select a random item from a list, tuple…

Python TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable solution

Python TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable solution

Dictionary is a standard Python data structure that stores the elements in the form of key:value pa…

Python random randrange() and randint() to generate random integer number within a range

Python random randrange() and randint() to generate random integer number within a range

In Python's random module, we have two functions randrange() and randint(), that can gener…

10 Best HTML Frameworks to Use for Web Development

10 Best HTML Frameworks to Use for Web Development

The web development industry has come a long way and is currently ruling over the world. While ever…