How to read a file from a Jar

How to read a file from a Jar

Introduction If you are trying to read a text file from Jar using the File class, stop right the…

Java ternary operator examples

Java ternary operator examples

Java ternary operators make the code short and easy to understand. They can replace an entire set o…

How to use DecimalFormat?

How to use DecimalFormat?

NumberFormat classes, including DecimalFormat, are packaged in the java.text package in Java. These…

How to encode java string to send web server URL

How to encode java string to send web server URL

If you work on web applications, it is essential to know how to encode a String to pass it in URL s…

Java try catch block

Java try catch block

The try is a keyword that is used by java to enclose the code that might throw an exception. You ca…

Multiple catch block in Java

Multiple catch block in Java

Java allows you to use more than one catch block that must be followed after the try block. Also, e…

Nested Try block in Java

Nested Try block in Java

Java allows you to declare one try block within another try block. Nested try blocks are used when …

Finally block in Java

Finally block in Java

Java allows the use of the finally block that allows you to execute the critical code. This block w…

Python Text to Speech

Python Text to Speech

Python has thousands of libraries and APIs that developers can use to build sophisticated programs …

Error: Id returned 1 exit status (undefined reference to 'main')

Error: Id returned 1 exit status (undefined reference to 'main')

"Error: Id returned 1 exit status (an undefined reference to 'main')" is a very c…

type() and isinstance() in Python with Examples

type() and isinstance() in Python with Examples

Python has many built-in functions. Using those functions, we can get a quick result. Out of many P…

Python Timeit() with Examples

Python Timeit() with Examples

The Python timeit module is specially designed to find out the precise execution time of a code sni…