Vinay Khatri

I am a Full Stack Developer with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, who also loves to write technical articles that can help fellow developers.

What is TurboGears in Python?

What is TurboGears in Python?

A Python web framework is a collection of different modules or libraries used to create web-applica…

Subset Sum Problem

Subset Sum Problem

Subset Problem - Dynamic Problem You are given a set of positive integers (0 included) and a sum…

Bottom View of a Binary Tree

Bottom View of a Binary Tree

Bottom View of a Binary Tree You are given a Binary Tree. We will suppose the left and right chi…

Clone a Linked list with the Random Pointer

Clone a Linked list with the Random Pointer

Given a linked list, in which every node contains the next pointer. They also contain an additional…

What is Bottle Framework in Python (An Introduction to Bottle Framework)

What is Bottle Framework in Python (An Introduction to Bottle Framework)

Python support many web frameworks for the rapid development of web applications and server-side sc…

Find a Pair with the Given Sum in an Array

Find a Pair with the Given Sum in an Array

In this tutorial, we will implement 3 different algorithms to find all the pairs with a given sum p…

What is CherryPy Python? - Introduction to CherryPy

What is CherryPy Python? - Introduction to CherryPy

Remi Delon created CherryPy in 2002, and it is one of the oldest Python web-framework. Like Flask, …

What is Flask?

What is Flask?

Flask is one of the best Python web frameworks. It is the second most-starred Python web framework …

How to check the size of a file using Python?

How to check the size of a file using Python?

Every file on the computer occupies some space in the memory, although you can just right-click on …

How do you remove duplicates from a Python list while preserving order?

How do you remove duplicates from a Python list while preserving order?

There are many different techniques and methods present in Python, to remove duplicate items from t…

How to Remove an Empty String From a List of Strings in Python?

How to Remove an Empty String From a List of Strings in Python?

A Python list is a sequential collection of data objects, and these data objects can be homogeneous…

JavaScript Bitwise Operations

JavaScript Bitwise Operations

JavaScript support 7 bitwise operators that perform bits operation between two binary values using …