Sort elements by their frequency and index
Problem Given an array of integers, sort them by their frequencies. If two elements have t…
Quicksort algorithm using Hoare’s partitioning scheme
Problem Implement QuickSort using Hoare’s partition scheme. Approach Hoare's Par…
Python Uppercase: A Complete Guide
In Python, we have a upper() method for string data values, which can convert all the lowercase let…
In-place vs out-of-place algorithms
In-Place algorithms This is a category of the algorithms that do not consume any extra space in …
Quicksort using Dutch National Flag Algorithm
Problem Implement Quicksort using Dutch National Flag Algorithm What’s the issue with t…
Create a mirror of an m–ary Tree
Problem Given an m-ary tree that can have a count of children greater than 2. Convert it into it…
Python TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer Solution
Python range() function can only accept integer values as arguments. If we try to pass a strin…
Print a two-dimensional view of a Binary Tree
Problem Given a binary tree, the task is to print the two-dimensional view of it. Sample Inpu…
Python range() Function Explained with Examples
range() is an in-built Python function, it can generate a sequence of immutable integer numbers fro…
Construction of an Expression Tree
Problem Given a postfix expression, the task is to generate an expression tree from it and retur…
Find minimum and maximum with minimum number of comparisons
Problem Given an array of integers, find the minimum and maximum elements in it with a minimum n…
Problems solved using partitioning logic of Quicksort
Problem What are some of the problems that can be solved using the partition logic of quicksort?…