Maaz Bin Asad

Maaz is a freelance content writer and an engineering undergraduate who is experienced working in the software development industry. He likes solving algorithmic problems and finding new approaches to optimize given problems.

Nginx 403 Forbidden Error

Nginx 403 Forbidden Error

It is obvious that when you work with any system, server, or web resource for maintenance or config…

Find the Difference (Beautiful Arrangement) Problem Solution

Find the Difference (Beautiful Arrangement) Problem Solution

Problem Given two strings, ‘s’ and  ‘t’ have all the characters the…

Find the sorted triplet in an array

Find the sorted triplet in an array

Problem Given an integer array arr, find a sorted triplet such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[…

Activity Selection Problem

Activity Selection Problem

Problem Given pairs of integers denoting starting and ending time of each task. Find the maximum…

Job Sequencing Problem

Job Sequencing Problem

Problem Given a set of jobs, each with its own deadline and corresponding profit. You get profit…

Efficiently calculate the frequency of all elements present in a limited range array

Efficiently calculate the frequency of all elements present in a limited range array

Problem Given an array of the sizes n where elements range from 0 to n-1. Calculate the fre…

Find subarrays with a given sum in an array

Find subarrays with a given sum in an array

Problem Given an unsorted array of nonnegative integers, find a continuous subarray which adds t…

Find the index that divides an array into two non-empty subarrays with equal sum

Find the index that divides an array into two non-empty subarrays with equal sum

Problem Given an integer array, find an index that divides it into two non-empty subarrays havin…

Count distinct absolute values in a sorted array

Count distinct absolute values in a sorted array

Problem Given a sorted array of integers, return the number of distinct absolute values among th…

Find minimum product among all combinations of triplets in an array

Find minimum product among all combinations of triplets in an array

Problem Find the minimum product of any three triplets in an array. Sample Input [1, 2, …

Print Matrix in Spiral Form

Print Matrix in Spiral Form

Problem Given an integer matrix, print it in spiral form Sample Input [1 2 3 4] [4 5 6 …

Shift all matrix elements by 1 in spiral order

Shift all matrix elements by 1 in spiral order

Problem Given an M x N matrix, shift all its elements by 1 in spiral order Sample Input …